

Is salt water better than chlorine?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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yes it is

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Q: Is salt water better than chlorine?
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Does salt water conducted electricity better than fresh water?

Because salt water contain ions of sodium and chlorine.

Is filter ionization better than salt or chlorine?

Ionization is much better than salt system and about the chlorine you only need to put about 5 to 10% of the chlorine. With the ionization you will only have about 0.2 or 0.3 of chlorine and no more chemicals. Tha water gets very clear and shiny. No bacterias found in normal testing. Se I have no problems and the water is great!!!!

Is Salt filter better than DE filter for pool?

Salt is not a filter, it is added to pool water to allow a chlorine generator to operate.

Does a salt water spa really need chlorine or bromine?

If you have a salt water hot tub or pool, you shouldn't need to add any extra chlorine. I am the pool operator at our local YMCA and we have a salt system with a Chloromatic chlorine generating cell. Rarely do we add any extra chlorine, only in cases of decontamination and/or shocking. Bromine does do better than chlorine in higher temps.

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Is the chlorine produced in saltwater pool any different from a health or environmental perspective than chlorine used in chlorine pool?

salt water pools don't use chlorine salts, they are bromine salts. So yes, saltwater pool are better for you.

Can you have a salt water hot tub and a chlorine pool without cross contamination?

You cannot "contaminate" a chlorine pool or spa with salt or vice versa. Chlorine starts as salt. Chlorine generators use salt to make chlorine. Therefore your "salt" spa is already a chlorine spa, you are just not putting chlorine tablets in it. It is a very common misconception that a salt system is some how different than a chlorine system. There are no "salt generators" and the salt does nothing other than allow a "chlorine generator" to produce chlorine. We get this question almost every day and it's generally because customers are "sold" not "told" about the product they purchased. If you were expecting anything other than purchasing a device that makes chlorine from salt, you will be disappointed. Pool & Spa

Does salt water rust better than tap water?

i would say salt water cuz it has salt

What are the advantages and disadvantages of salt water pool systems?

Well swimming poo is never a good thing, I mean it's bad enough if you catch one floating, but when you come across a poo that is actively swimming, you better jump out and run for it! (and this goes for saltwater or chlorine). If you want to know the advantages and disadvantages of a saltwater swimming POOL...then click on the related question below.

Does salt water rust a nail faster than normal water?

Yes, because the chlorine ion is corrosive.

Is the salt content in seawater enough to kill bacteria like chlorine in swimming pools?

Yes. Many people are actually swithching from chlorine to salt water pool filters, although the water is only about 1/8 of what the ocean is, it is easier and cheaper than chlorine.

Is freshwater better than saltwater fish?

fresh water is better than salt water fish as it is my choice