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We use it in our barn. it is sufficient.

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Q: Is sawdust a good bedding for horses?
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Is hickory sawdust a good bedding for horses?

Yes, one of the best ever it soaks up liquids.

Can you use Sawdust as horse bedding?

Yes you can use sawdust provided it is made of pure pine sawdust. It should be noted that as it says in it's name sawdust is dusty and can cause respiratory problems in horses.

Is sassafras sawdust good bedding for horses?

I know that it is a severe respiratory irritant in humans, its dust is very fine and gets trapped in moist areas like lungs very easily so I think it would not be a good choice at all for horses.

Where can you get hamster bedding?

Most pet shops have good quality pet bedding. I would not recommend using fresh wood shavings or sawdust as they can be dusty and dangerous for your hamster. You can get it from ,here a collection of bedding available where you can choose your choice bedding.

Is it OK if a horse eats a straw bedding?

It is not good for the horse to eat straw. Instead of using straw for the bedding I would switch to sawdust so you will not have to worry about your horse eating the straw.

Will sawdust from walnut trees make a dog sick?

Typically it will not. If you are using the sawdust for bedding I would recommend going to the local pet supply store and buying a better type of bedding.

Is sawdust good for bedding for a corn snake?

No, some snakes will accidently eat some of the dust when swallowing the mice or what ever the food is and over time it can cause a blockage and some serious problems. The best is to get the carpet

Why dont you have any good answers for horses bedding?

hay ,wood plets ,newspaper

Why do hamsters have pouches?

Hamsters have pouches to keep food in them. Also if they want to move there bedding around the cage, they will put saw dust or bedding in there mouths and will arrange the cage how they like, this is a good thing because you will no when they are settled because they will stop moving all there bedding/ sawdust around. :-)

What is the best bedding for guinea pigs?

I have found, the best bedding to use is sawdust. I have tried a few different types of bedding but none of them has been as good as sawdust. However, don't get the cheap dusty stuff, make sure that you go to a pet shop and get the specialised stuff, which is free of toxins, nails and is low on dust.

Is it normal if you ginnea pig sneezes a lot could it be the dust from the sawdust?

Guinea pigs shouldn't be sneezing a lot. If so, you need to either clean the cage and it will eventually get better or stop using sawdust bedding. You should be using pine chip bedding or anything that isn't dusty, but never sawdust. Sneezes indicate colds or irritation in the nasal passage.

Is horses hay good for bedding for pet mice?

Sure! It would be great, and it would be close to there habitat in the wild.