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A seismograph is an instrument that measures the intensity of earthquakes. Seismograph technology would refer to the science involved with the design or improvement of the instrument.

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Q: Is seismograph a type of technology?
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What type of technology humans use to categorize an earthquake?

The Richter Scale to rate magnitude and seismograph to measure strength

Is seismograph a technology?

Any aplication of science is technology so yes.

What do scientist use technology to do?

seismogram and seismograph!

What measures Earth's vibrations?

seismograph seismograph seismograph seismograph

What type of waves reach a seismograph station first p of s?


What type of information does a seismograph collect?

A seIsomograph collects information on what level the earthquakes power was.

A sentence with seismograph in it?

Here are some sentences.Scientists use a seismograph to measure movement in the earth.The seismograph showed that an earthquake had occurred.

What instrument measures earth vibrations?

Earthquakes generate seismic waves which can be detected with a sensitive instrument called a seismograph.Advances in seismograph technology have increased our understanding of both earthquakes and the Earth itself.Perhaps the earliest seismograph was invented in China A.D. 136 by a man named Choko.A seismograph or seismometerRichter scaleSeismometer or Seismograph.A seismometer or a seismograph is an instrument that measure the earths vibrations, or earths seismic waves. Seismic waves are vibrations that travel through the earth as a result of an event such as an earthquake.A seismographSeiseimographA seismometer or seismograph.

What order does the seismograph arrive at the seismograph station?


What is the market value for seismograph?

what is the market value for seismograph

What is an instrument used to measure and record ground movements during an earthquake?

earthquakes are measured by seismic waves so scientists use a seismograph. there are a bunch of seismographs at a station and each one records the same stuff according to the p, s, and surface waves.

What kind of technology is used to measure mudslides?

they use computers to track the tsunamis and they also use a special tool called a seismograph ----