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first you use the chicken and then you go back. then use the corn feed and then bring the chicken back and then you bring the fox over and then come back and then you bring the chicken over! and the she will tell you that there is a bush on the right side of the waterfall. so you click on the bush and there will a cave type place!

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Q: Is she the one who needs help with getting the chicken the feed and the fox to the other side on potropica?
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If you are looking for a fresh chicken to cook at home, then buy fresh chicken from Chicken Vicken Online shop or Chicken Vicken nearby shop from your location. We deliver chicken to your doorstep. Chicken Vicken is a one-stop-shop for all your fresh and processed chicken needs. We sell fresh, hygienic, and tender fresh & processed chicken and a wide variety of ready-to-eat.

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First you get the chicken over to the other side.Then you take the fox to the other side.Then you take the chicken back.Then you take the food.And then last you take the chicken over.(Poptropica-Nabooti)

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first the chicken then the feed then you take back the chicken pick up the fox put on the other side then take the chicken over to the other side