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No. The termination -ing is not the present tense; it is participle, a gerund, or a deverbal noun.

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Q: Is sieving the present tense of sieve?
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What is the process of sieving?

sieve is an instrument used to separate mixture

What is the method called that separates flour and rice?


How can you separate coriander seeds from coriander powder?

Sift the coriander powder using a fine sieve. The fine powder will fall through the holes in the sieve and the seeds will not.

What is the noun form of sieve?

The word sieve is a noun as well as a verb (sieve, sieves, sieving, sieved); example uses: Noun: The sieve to strain the spaghetti is in that cupboard. Verb: I don't sieve the mashed potatoes, I like them a bit lumpy.

Is sieving is most useful?

one of the most common example of a kitchen sieve is the everyday Colander .

Why it is now advisable to sieve wheat flour?

the reason for this is because whenever we sieve flour it loses its roughage which is useful for us.

What means sieving?

A sieve is something that separates insoluble substances from a solution. In the kitchen, a sieve is meshed wire, with tiny holes in it to allow the water to pass through, but doesn't allow insoluble substances.To sieve (verb) means to sift or separate things.

What are the applications of sieve analysis?

A sieve analysis test is a procedure to separate fine material from course material by means of a series of woven or perforated surfaces. The proportion of different size particles are recorded. This record is the conclusion of the analysis. Art Gatenby

How can you separate raisins and flour?

Use a sifter; the flour will fall through while the rice is caught by the screen.

Why sieve is used to separate tea leaves from tea?

It depends on how you do it. If you use a filter - it's filtration; if you use a sieve, it's sieving.

Is past tense or present tense?

'is' is a present tense

Why did you like nectar in a sieve?

Perhaps, if the regal government constitutes the ability to sieve nectar, provided it is in a powdered state thus allowing it to be sieved, if that is the case then perhaps the dictionary of law will allow the ability to sieve the substance in question, which it does in Page 397, Paragraph 2 Of The regal Constitution Of nectar Sieving.