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yes but sinking sand is a bit easier to get out fom wheras quicksand acts too fast before you can get out your sucked in.

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Q: Is sinking sand the same as Quicksand?
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How can you avoid sinking in quicksand?

by making little circles in the sand like your hula hooping

Does a camels have divided hooves?

No it is not. This is one of the reasons it is adapted to its environment, its broad feet help to prevent it sinking into the sand.

Can you describe quicksand?

A mixture mud, sand, and water that pulls in objects. The only was to prevent yourself from sinking is to not struggle and to relax and then you will slowly come to the top!!!

Is quick sand faster in the desert or in the beach?

it doesnt matter... quicksand makes you sink at the same speed everywhere cuz it takes a certian amount of water mixed with sand to make quicksand.

What is the composition of quicksand?

sand & water

What should you do when you are in quicksand?

you should try to float because quicksand is a mixture of water and sand.

What is the difference between a sinkhole and quicksand?

a sinkhole is a hole and quicksand is just wet sand

What is difference between a sinkhole and quicksand?

a sinkhole is a hole and quicksand is just wet sand

Where does quicksand lead?

it leads to the bottom of the quicksand pit because it is just sand and water.

What did hypothesis do in quicksand?

I love quick sand!

Do crocodile live in quicksand?

Yes, alligators can survive in quicksand.

Where do you go after you drown in quicksand?

The difference between regular sand and quicksand is that quicksand is has worn of the granite rock. The granite rock has moisture which is washed out with the sand. wet, regular sand you can mould. wet quicksand you can get stuck in.