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Q: Is sleeping an autonomic or somatic reflex?
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Flexor reflex somatic or autonomic?

it is a somatic reflex

Is a effector are skeletal muscles a somatic reflex or a autonomic reflex?

Somatic reflex

Is the pupillary light reflex autonomic and somatic?

Pupillary light reflex is autonomic.

Pupillary light reflex somatic or autonomic?


Is the corneal reflex a somatic reflex or an autonomic reflex?

This particular reflex is autonomic as the affected muscle, constrictor pupillae muscle, is a smooth muscle and not under conscious control. Typically if you can consciously contract the muscle, any reflex associated with that muscle is somatic in nature.

Is a gag reflex a somatic reflex?

No, a somatic reflex are the reflexes of the skeletal muscle movements. The gag reflex is considered to be an autonomic reflex.

Is the regulation of blood pressure a somatic reflex?

No. Its autonomic.

Is an ankle jerk reflex somatic or autonomic?

Ankle jerk is somatic. It is the reflex action, in which the afferent. connecting and the efferent neurons are involved. Autonomic nerves do not supply the striated muscles.

What is patellar knee-jerk reflex a somatic or autonomic reflex?

yes, the knee relfex felt when tapped just below the knee cap on the patellar tendon is a somatic reflex which is a contraction of skeletal muscles. the opposite would be autonomic relfexes which consist of contractions of smooth or cardiac muscle or secretion by glands.

If the doctor swabs the back of your throat and you gag is this somatic or autonomic reflexes?

The gag reflex is an involuntary reflex, therefore it is an autonomic reflex. The peripheral nervous system is the part of the nervous system outside the central nervous system (which consists of the brain and spinal cord). The peripheral nervous system is split into two parts - the somatic nervous system and the autonomic system. The somatic system controls voluntary skeletal muscle movements and the autonomic system controls involuntary or automatic actions.

Reflexes are not carried to the brain?

A reflex arc does not pass through the brain. The somatic reflex arc and autonomic reflex arc are two types.

Are effectors which are smooth muscle and glands considered somatic or autonomic reflexes?
