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No, this is a simile. Personification is where you give an object life-like or human features. For example, if you say "The bars on the pole stretched out," this is giving the pole the ability to stretch.

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Q: Is slippery as a snake personification?
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No it is an example of a simile. Personification is giving animals or inanimate objects human qualities, ex: the mountain breathed with the trees.

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It means 2 words in a sentence both beginning with the same letters eg. Slippery snake :)

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Yes, "slippery snake" contains alliteration with the repeated "s" sound, assonance with the repeated short "i" sound, and onomatopoeia with the word "slippery" imitating the sound of something smooth and slick moving.

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What is 'snake' in Latin?

Answer #1Serpens or vipera.Answer #2Anguis is the Latin equivalent of 'snake'. One Latin derivative is the adjective 'anguicomus', which means 'having snaky hair'. Another is the masculine gender noun 'anguiculus', which means 'little snake'. Still another is the feminine gender noun 'anguilla', which means 'eel' or 'slippery customer'.

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