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Q: Is sodium pivotal to fluid and electrolyte balance and to the homeostasis of all body systems?
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Related questions

How might diarrhea upset homeostasis?

Homeostasis is the body systems maintaining internal stability. If you have diarrhea, homeostasis is taken away because you can get dehydration, and your electrolyte balance is off, you also will be needing proper nutrients and fluids to return back to homeostasis.

Is the kidney also a major homeostatic organ because it maintains electrolyte balance?

The kidney, among other systems, helps to maintain electrolyte balance.

How do lions do homeostasis?

All living things have systems that are homeostatic. This keeps things in balance.

What 2 nervous systems balance each other to provide homeostasis?

Sympathetic & parasympathetic (sort of).

How does the nervous system control the body systems?

Everything is connected to the nervous system. Parts of the brain are detecting every change that goes on for example heart rate, muscle movements, even hormone levels and electrolyte balance. All of this involves signaling and controls all of the body systems so that each can do their job in regulation for homeostasis.

How feedback loops in the nervous and endocrine systems regulate conditions in the body?

feedback loops maintain balance and homeostasis.

How do the two system help maintain homeostasis?

homeostasis- balance of two systems to work together to improve or advance an orginism. we get hot so we sweat to replace lost fluids. two systems working together

How does homeostasis keep organ systems from failing?

Homeostasis helps maintain the balance in your body anddoesn't let any thing get out of order. When that equilibrium is disrupted there is and immediate immune response which tries to stop or stops the bacteria and the pathogens from strengthening. This is one of the reason homeostasis keep organ systems from failing.

What organ systems are important in the regulation of fluid electrolyte and acid base balance?

mainly kidney then in less extent skin,lungs

How does the body's systems work together to maintain balance?

Well your body works to maintain homeostasis (which is balance) so for example if there is to much glucose in your blood then your body will produce insulin to love sugar level and maintain homeostasis its a natural body function

What is the def of homeostatis and what are two examples?

Homeostasis is the ability to maintain a constant internal environment in response to environmental changes. It is a unifying principle of biology. The nervous and endocrine systems control homeostasis in the body through feedback mechanisms involving various organs and organ systems. Examples of homeostatic processes in the body include temperature control, pH balance, water and electrolyte balance, blood pressure, and respiration.

What 2 systems control homeostasis?

The nervous and endocrine systems control homeostasis