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yes because solar power will be around until the sun burns out so it's a renewable energy source

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Q: Is solar power helping the climate change?
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What advantage does nuclear power have over solar wind and hydroelectric?

It doesn't contribute to climate change (APEX)

Is solar power or natural gas better?

Solar power is better than natural gas because it produces electricity without the pollution of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas which is causing global warming and climate change.

How do sun spots and solar flares show evidence for climate change?

They don't. Climate change occurs on the Earth. Sun spots and solar flares occur on the Sun. The Sun heating up could cause a climate change on the Earth, but sunspots and solar flares don't really have much to do with that.

What is the effect of climate change on solar ultraviolet radiation?

solar uv radiation gets changed into heat

Does the other planets in our solar system have rapid climate changes?

I recently read an eye opening article on solar climate change. I never really thought about climate change from a solar system point of view. After reading the article, it does seem apparent that other planets in our solar system are going through a rapid climate change along with earth. It makes me think now that humans may not be the problem as the issue is not just related to earth.

Climate change on earth is thought to be affected by what solar phenomena?


Will extracting solar energy from the environment reduce heat?

By itself, extracting solar energy from the environment does not reduce heat. However, to the extent that our increased use of solar power reduces our use of fossil fuels, it reduces the production of greenhouse gases, slowing the rate of global climate change. We don't yet have enough solar energy and other renewable sources to stop human-caused global climate change, but it's a start.

Why do the Europeans use solar power?

Europeans use solar power because they know how important it is to use renewable energy and stop using fossil fuels. Solar panels are a simple way for households to lower their electricity bills and reduce pressure on the electricity network. Solar power is also free and emits no harmful carbon dioxide emissions that cause global warming and climate change.

How does the Sun's solar maximum change the Climate?

Scientists may have teased out a tenuous connection between solar cycles and climate, such that earth slightly heats as the 11 year solar maximum approaches and passes, and cools again slightly afterwards.

Does solar power plant and chloroplasts change sunlight into power?

Chloroplasts utilize solar energy.Solar energy is converted into chemical energy.

What is the technology of solar power?

The technology of solar power is....1. photovoltaic cell2. a solar collector3. solar panelsthose are 3 examples of technology ( there is more examples) for solar power, look for facts about it below...-solar power is a renewable resource.-you don't have to pay for eletricty-its expensive to install-the sun isn't out all the timehere is a short description about solar power...Solar Power has its advantages and disadvantages.but solar power is a renewable resource and can help change the way we live and it can change our environment and most important mother nature. and soon we will all need to have solar power because of the way we our treating our environment. so start now and make a difference in our world, in our earth.

Solar panel power?

Apart from saving big on electricity bills, be at the forefront to promote sustainability by harnessing the sun and bring a significant change in the fight against climate change by advocating clean, green energy. With a specialized and customized approach to rooftop solar, SunEdison Infrastructure strives to build a greener and sustainable planet for our future generations. Solar panel installation made easier with SunEdison Infrastructure company.