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It's a physical property.

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Jayda Quigley

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Q: Is solubility classified as a chemical property or physical?
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Is soluble a chemical or physical properties?

Physical Property are those that can be observed or measured without affecting the composition of the sample. Density, hardness, viscosity, malleability, solubility, melting temperature, and boiling temperature are some examples of physical property.

Is solubity a chemical or physical property?

Solubility is a chemical property.

Is solubility in water a chemical or a physical property?

Solubility in water is considered a physical property, as it involves how a substance interacts with water molecules physically to form a solution without any chemical reactions taking place.

Is solubillity physical property?

No solubility is a chemical property

Is salubility a chemical property?

No. Solubility is a physical property.

Is a soluble in alcohol a physical or chemical property?

Solubility in alcohol is considered a physical property, as it describes how a substance interacts with another without changing its chemical composition.

Is soluble in ammonia a chemical property?

Yes, the solubility of a substance in ammonia is a chemical property. It describes how the substance interacts and forms a solution with ammonia, which is a unique characteristic of the substance based on its chemical structure.

Is solubility a physical or chemical propety?

Solubility is a physical property because it is related to a physical, not a chemical, change. When something dissolves, it does not change chemically. It is still the same compound/molecule, etc. when it was not dissolved in the solvent.

Is melting of ice classified as a chemical or physical property?

physical property

When sugar dissolve in a hot cup of tea is it physical property or chemical property?


Is lead classified as a chemical property or a physical property?

Lead is an element, not a property. All the elements have physical and chemical properties.

Is solubity a physical or chemical change?

Solubility isn't a change; it's a physical property.