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Yes, specialized muscle tissue is designed for contraction. This type of tissue contains unique structures like sarcomeres, which are responsible for generating force during muscle contraction. Specialized muscle tissue allows for efficient and controlled movement of the body.

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The three types of muscle cells (cardiac, smooth and skeletal) fit this description.

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Calcium binding to actin-myosin causes contraction. The calcium is released to the sarcomere from a specialized storage organelle, the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

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There is no contraction for were you. There is no contraction for you were.There is a contraction for "you are" (you're).

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What is a type of cell that performs specific functions?

Cells that are formed into Tissues collectively carry out specialized functions - for example, muscle Cells are specialized for [movement via] contraction; bone Cells are specialized for first structure, and then strength. There are two hundred and twenty types of Tissues.

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He's already IS a contraction. It is a contraction of he is.

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There is no contraction. There is a contraction doesn't which means "does not."

What is the contraction for we were?

There is no contraction. The contraction we're means "we are."

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It's is the contraction of it has and it is.

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There is no contraction for I was. There is a contraction for I am (I'm) and for I have (I've).