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no cancers are not contagious at an stage.

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Q: Is stage 4 liver cancer contagious?
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When Jay Monahan was diagnosed with colon cancer what stage was it?

Stage 4: it was in his liver.

What is status of Farrah Fawcett?

Gravely ill with terminal stage 4 cancer which has metastized to her liver.

How long can your dad live with stage 4 liver cancer?

Let to God decide,how many days.Only prayers are good in this stage

Is stage 4 colon cancer deadly?

Colon cancer has reached stage 4 after metastasizing to distant organs. The liver is often an area where the cancer tends to migrate per a National Cancer Institute's article noting 50% of cases.

Does Pappychris have Liver and bone and lymph-node cancer at stage 4 for five years?

The short answer is Yes///

Founding out about liver lesions so do that mean that it is cancer when you have stage 4 cancer?

Depends on where the primary cancer is. Not necessarily, but it can only be determined by a fine needle aspiration.

What is the best chemotherapy method for stage 4 metastatic breast cancer to the liver and bones?

Partly on whether the cancer is estrogen-sensitive and whether it is HER-2 positive.

What are some treatments for stage 4 breast cancer?

Stage 4 breast cancer is where the cancer has gone to another part of the body, most commonly bones, brain, lung or liver. Treatment options include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, biological therapy, surgery and radiation.

Is Stage 4 bone cancer treatable?

Stage 4 cancer is treatable. Once a person gets to state 4 cancer hardly ever go into remission due to the advancement of the disease.

What stage is Michael Douglas' cancer?

Stage 4 Throat Cancer.

What are the symptoms of Stage 4 Cancer?

Hi, Cancer has 5 stages. Every Stage is a way for physicians to know how advanced the cancer is and how aggresive is the cancer as well of the treatment. So saying this cancer stage 4 is very aggressive but not unbeatable and all depends where is the cancer and if it spread and again where? and if this is something related to you or somebody that you know; the best answers will come from the physicians involve. my friend was told today that he had stage 4 melanoma and they removed a large part of the skin on top of his head. What good new do we have to loo forward too?

Can a person overcome stage 4 cancer in the liver?

It is possible to survive any of the 4 stages of cancer, but stage 4 is the least likely to survive because the tumor is no longer localized in one place but has metastasized, spawning thousands of small tumors everywhere in the body. Strong chemotherapy is usually required to treat stage 4 cancer (and some of the toxic drugs used for chemotherapy can kill you faster than the cancer itself if they are not carefully managed by the oncologists).