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Yes it can happen because saliva contain amylase enzyme.

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Q: Is starch broken down once you chew bread?
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What type of food does amylase act on?

starch is broken down by amylase and starch is the only food that its digestion begins in mouth by amylase of salavia.

Does white bread turn to sugar after you eat it?

White bread is mainly the carbohydrate starch. When starch enters the body it is digested by enzymes. It is firstly broken down by amylase which turns the starch into maltose (note: if you hold bread in your mouth for a while it goes sweet). The maltose is broken down by maltase into glucose which can then be used for respiration but if it isn't then it turns to fat.

Why do crackers taste sweet when you chew?

Bread is carbohydrate, specifically starch. As we masticate, amylase is produced by the saliva which converts starch to maltose which is a sugar. Hence bread tastes sweet on mastication.Bread tastes sweet on mastication (chewing) because the enzymes in saliva begin converting the starch in bread to sugar.

Does starch stay in the body?

Starch is in the food like rice and bread. So, eating rice and bread means eating starch. When you eat rice or bread, they go to your tummy so starch also goes to your tummy.

Why is starch not broken down at high temperatures?

The enzyme amylase is denatured by the high temp. The starch cannot be broken down

What is starch broken into sugar by?

They are Broken down by Amylase Enymes.

What enzyme breaks down starch into sugars which are than broken down by the other three enzymes?

starch can be broken down into simple sugars by the enzyme amylase

Starch can be broken down into the disaccharide known as?

Starch is composed of many maltose units.

Can salt be broken down into simpler?

Yes, it can, by starch.

Where do we get starch from?

They can be broken down in your blood stream or your liver.

What material is formed when enzymes in saliva mix with starch?

When enzymes in saliva mix with starch, first the carbohydrates are broken down into dextrin. Then dextrin is broken down into maltose and glucose

What happens in an alimentry canal?

Starch is broken down in enzymes