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My son was on Strattera for quite some time and he has stomach discomfort and nausea the whole time. It didn't matter if he took it with or without milk his stomach still got upset. It also caused him to cry a lot and be VERY emotional. We switch him to Concerta and the side effects seem to be very minimal. (he's been on it for over a year now) If the symptoms continue I would consider having your doctor change the medication!! Hope that was some help!!

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Q: Is stomach discomfort and nausea a common side effect of taking Strattera with milk?
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Does Strattera give you the chills?

Answer: Getting chills from Strattera is not a normal side effect, and it is more of a flu-like symptom which is not a good thing really. While taking Strattera if you get flu-like symptoms (such as the chills, fever, or aches) this can be an indication of liver damage. Strattera has been shown to cause liver damage in rare cases. You should talk to your doctor especially if you have any one of the following other symptoms: uncontrollable itching, dark colored urine, yellowing of the skin or the eyes (jaundice), upper right-side abdominal tenderness or discomfort.

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because of the big world because of the big world

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Mixing Lexapro and Strattera can cause a few side effects. The Lexapro can cause the Strattera to build up in the blood more. This causes dry mouth, sleep problems, dizziness, loss of appetite and heart palpitations.

Why do you have a stomach ache after you take a shower?

It could be caused by water vapor filling up the stomach. If it's a long shower the increase in volume could be stretching your stomach to the point of causing discomfort. Also, if the shower is with hot water this effect would be amplified since the equation PV = nRT says the hotter the vapor the more pressure it will exert on the walls of a container (like your stomach).

Can you take cephalexin and Strattera together?

Yes, Cephalexin and Strattera can be taken together. Cephalexin is just an antibiotic and will have no effect on the Strattera.

What is the most common side effect of aspirin?

It can cause stomach bleeding, which is why it should be taken with food.

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The most common side effect that is possible to happen is an upset stomach. This does not occur in a significant amount of people, however.

How do you maintain or gain weight while taking Strattera?

hi heather, I'm not sure what you mean? Strattera has very little effect on the appetite. So if you want to gain weight just eat lots of fattening foods. That will do it.

Is slurred speech a side effect of Strattera?

Hi. It's funny that you mention that. I never had any issues with my speech, but I find on 20 mg. of Strattera per day I find myself stuttering and slurring my words on occassion.

How does Strattera effect the prostate?

Strattera has severely effected my prostate in that I'm so sore I can barely sit. My prostate aches so much it keeps me awake...I spend all day being tired and trying to go to the bathroom.