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Q: Is street marijuana more dangerous than medical marijuana?
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What is the difference between heroin and marijuana?

marijuana is just as dangerous as normal cigarettes, while Heroin is alot more dangerous and addictive

What are the solution for the problem?

legalizing marijuana. just do your research. alcohol is legal and more dangerous than marijuana. what are its medical and practical qualities? little to none. tobacco is also legal but its more dangerous. it kills millions of people each year. what's the medical and practical qualities.... also little to none marijuana has plenty of medical properties but i wont be bothered to list them as im trying to keep this short. as well as practical qualities (food, fuel, hemp for clothing and paper, etc.) if taxed, marijuana would make a huge market here in the US. also, people already buy it and use it, why not make money off it?

Is marijuana a schedule 2 drug?

Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug. It is scheduled to be more dangerous than meth.

What are all the ingredients in marijuana?

Marijuana is officially a natural plant. But there are types that involve chemicals (what is called a nice guy on the street and more)

Is cannabis less harmful than fags?

F*a*g*s is a slang term for tobacco cigarettes. Tobacco cigarettes are Probably the most dangerous legal substance a person can consume. They are a leading cause of cancer. Cannabis can be dangerous, but, nowhere near as dangerous as tobacco. The Number one reason tobacco is legal in the USA and marijuana is not is because of Money. The rich tobacco companies, (and the people who smoke and chew tobacco), keep it legal. Money interests keep marijuana illegal. I am not saying you should smoke marijuana, (unless it's for medical purposes), however tobacco is Far more dangerous than marijuana.

Does the Medical Marijuana Exchange support legalizing marijuana for medical use?

No, it should be legal because cancer patients that use won't suffer, and will get the muches so they will eat more. That's all medical marijuana is good for ( I think ) is cancer patients, I can't see any other uses for it.

Is it safe to mix Ritalin and marijuana?

Of course! Marijuana is completely natural and can be used with any drugs with no side effects other than a high of course.

How dangerous is marijuana to a hep b patient?

its not dangerous at all. cancer patients use it so why would it affect an STD more than a cancer patirent

Marijuana is better than what?

Marijuana is always better than alcohol and cigarette smoking.

Should cannabis be used as a medical drug?

Thats more of a perspective question, but i believe it should be used as a medical drug because of all the Medical uses that Marijuana can be used for. A good film to watch that will change your mind if you are against Marijuana is a documentary called "The Union".

Is it bad if you do not smoke weed?

It is a personal choice, so no it is not bad to not do a thing that is illegal. Never let others goad you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable or that violates what you believe is right."Weed," the street name of cannabis (specifically marijuana) is illegal to possess or use in all fifty states of the US under federal law. Some states have enacted legislation to make it possible for the medical use of marijuana, but the federal government continues to watch distribution and growing very closely.The FDA has determined that by products of smoking marijuana can be very dangerous to people; these chemicals are as dangerous and in some cases more so than smoking tobacco.Buying it illegally can also be dangerous. Illegal distributors have been known to spike or dust marijuana with other chemicals (PCP, acid, K2, Spice, etc.)There is anecdotal evidence to support the effectiveness of marijuana in treatment of depression, OCD, and other conditions. It has also been used to treat pain and nausea such as that experienced by sufferers of migraine headaches and cancer treatment patients.If medical marijuana is legal where you live and you want to use it as a treatment option, research your state's laws and consult your doctor.

Is marijuana in the news?

Yes! There are plenty of stories about marijuana all the time. Check out controversies over medical marijuana, drug legalization, and drug trade.