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Elemental sulfur is quite safe.

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Q: Is sulfur poisonous or dangerous to humans?
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Is sulfur poison?

Sulfur is not poisonous to humans, but it is toxic to bacteria. However, it may cause irritation to your eyes and mouth.

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bullfrogs are not poisonous but some bullfrogs out the outline of america are

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They are not poisonous to larger animals or humans, but can bite you if provoked. They have no venom.

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Are there any poisonous snails?

yes, the Cone Shell snails are poisonous. Two of the most poisonous and dangerous to humans are the Geographer Cone and Textile Cone found in the south pacific.

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Sodium chloride is probable dangerous to humans after an ingestion of 3g NaCl/kg of body.

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Mendelevium is a radioactive element. Generally radioactive elements are dangerous.

Which poison is dangerous to human being?

There are many things that are poisonous to humans. Curare is one. Botulism is another.