

Is survival in the genes

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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The process of evolution tends to produce organisms whose genes contribute to the survival of the organism. If an organism has genes which impede or prevent survival, then the organism is less likely to survive. A species with such genetics would die out.

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Q: Is survival in the genes
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Does prokaryotes have genes?

Of course they have genes. They need genes for survival and reproduction.

Why is it important for an offspring to inherit the traits from its parents?

Offspring must inherit traits from its parents because it parents contained genes that were dominant and survived. the genes passed from parent to offspring are important because they are the dominant genes of survival. they passed of survival genes to help their offspring live longer.

Are genes responsible for evolution?

Evolution is the result of a process called survival of the fittest. Genes are part of the mechanism by which this happens.

What function do genes serve for living organisms?

Well, think about it think about your genes. Do they help you with survival or the way of life? Think about which genes you think are dominant in you. So all the genes that were dominant in the organism would help it with survival. Such as mating its dominant genes would eventually create a new subspecies of organism.

What is the key to survival?

Good genes. haveing food, water and shelter

Does Y chromosomes contain genes that are critical for an organism's survival?


What happens if your genes are very strong?

This question is misguided. Genes are neither strong nor weak. Everyone has a mixture of genes which dictate what our bodies are like. Everyone has genes which help, hinder or have no effect on survival.

What Evolutionary perspective put forth by some biologists maintains which position?

genes that produce behaviors and traits that lead to survival are passed on to the next generation

Why would the Y chromosome be unlikely to contain any of the genes that are absolutely necessary for survival?

The Y chromosome does not contain genes that are critical for human survival because it carries only the genes necessary for determining the sex of the child (specifically that of a male.) It does little else than direct the development of male traits. So, although it is necessary for reproduction, organisms born without Y chromosomes have the possibility of survival, while those born without X chromosomes have no possibility of survival.

How does each new cell get it information for survival?

A cell gets its information for survival from the DNA. The genes in the DNA contain the coded instructions for the synthesis of proteins within the cell, ensuring continuous survival.

How does each new cell get information for survival?

The genes in the chromosome(s) it received from its parent cell.

Do inherited traits and adaptations determine survival and reproduction?

Yes, due to natural selection and survival of the fittest only the best traits get passed on the offspring to assure survival. The ones with the best genes will also be able to produce more offspring