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Not necessarily but it will give one another time to decide if this is what you really want individually.

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Q: Is taking a break the end of a relationship?
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If you take a break from your relationship and go out with other guy is that cheating?

No. Taking a break from a relationship is another word for breaking up for a while.

How do you break your mom and her boyfriend?

You do not do this. It is their relationship and you ethically have to go along with it. Either it will end or not, but you should not act on your opinion of the relationship.

What is the difference between a break and a break up?

I guess there isn't much of a difference. A break-up is a full-on split, and a break is a chance to be apart, for your partner to see wether he likes being apart from you, or wether they should carry on the relationship.

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that is such a bad idea. don't end the relationship if he is the perfect guy!!!!!

If start taking the contraceptive pill on monday for example will your period stop from monday and only come again during the 'break' at the end of the pill cycle?

You start taking the pill at the end of your period, and then, yes you will not have a period again until the break in the pill.

What does severed mean?

1.Put an end of a connection or relationship ;break off;2.take off

Does Chris Brown and Rihanna still go with each other?

Right now, Chris Brown and Rihanna are taking a break. (That means they're taking time off of their relationship.)

Can HPV break up a relationship?

Anything can break up a relationship. What will break up a relationship depends on the two people involved.

Can taking a break strengthen a relationship?

I would say that taking a break isn't DEFINITELY breaking up unless the couple takes an indefinite break with no plans of getting back together. If the break up isn't certain, don't assume that it is because that could make it certain.

What does taking a break mean?

it can mean a lot of things. it can mean "go sit down" or in a relationship it can mean we should not be with each other for a while (a week or more... like forever). it is a nice way to say we are done

How do you get her to break up with you?

If you no longer wish to be with her, be a man and break up with her yourself. Making her do so that you can feel better about yourself or something is pretty childish. If you want the relationship to end, do it yourself

How do you get a spouse to accept the relationship is over?

Ultimately you are not the one responsible. It is down to them to accept that the relationship is at an end. One thing you must do is be honest & make sure it's a clean break. No telling them, 'We might get back together' or the classic, 'I just need a bit of time on my own'. Just tell them why you want to end the relationship & stick by your' decision. It's then up to them to deal with the break up.