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# The Genesis 1 creation account conflicts with the order of events that are known to science. In Genesis, the earth is created before light and stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants before any animals. The true order of events was just the opposite. 1:1-2:3 2 # God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). And how could there be "the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark them? 1:3-5 # Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11 # God makes two lights: "the greater light [the sun] to rule the day, and the lesser light [the moon] to rule the night." But the moon is not a light, but only reflects light from the sun. And why, if God made the moon to "rule the night", then why does it spend half of its time moving through the daytime sky? 1:16 # "And God set them [the stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth." 1:17 see link "firmament" # All animals were originally herbivores. Tapeworms, vampire bats, mosquitoes, and barracudas -- all were strict vegetarians, as they were created by God. 1:30

The Biblical creation account has no conflict whatsoever with real science. The conflict is with the presuppositions of evolutionary Humanism which interprets everything according to this world-view.

Nothing that has been discovered is in conflict with The Bible rightly understood, including in its proper context. For example, light is needed for photosynthesis. Light already existed when the plants were created. No problem. Even if we ignore the narrative in Genesis 1 and say that light didn't come along till one day later, the plants would not have all died, they merely would have stopped photosynthesizing for a day. Again no problem.

The moon does indeed 'rule the night' as there is obviously no sun then and it reflects the sunlight onto the earth to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the phase. For the moon to be spending a portion of its time visible during daylight hours in no way diminishes this role when it is visible at night. Indeed many animals were originally herbivores which now are carnivores. They are thought to have changed their diet after the fall, or perhaps after the flood when there was a massive change in the climate and geography of the earth, thus requiring additional sources of protein. Regarding 'the order of events that are known to science.' This is only a hypothesis which can in no way be scientifically tested or proved as we can test, say, the existence of gravity, or the curvature of the earth. Scientific laws in fact support creation rather than evolution. For example the law of Biogenesis, demonstrated by Pasteur, shows that life only arises from life, not from non-life. Thus, even the simplest cell cannot have arisen spontaneously, but it was created along with everything else, and reproduces 'after its kind' with the ability to adapt and change to its environment within certain bounds. The scientific evidence, of which there is much, points to a young earth rather than an old one.

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