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Q: Is the Boeing Company Multinational
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What does multinational company mean-?

A multinational company is a company that operates in multiple companies. Mcdonalds and Starbucks are examples of multinational companies, operating in many countries around the globe.

What does multinational means?

Multinational corporations (MNCs) are companies with units and headquarters within and across multiple countries. Major and global MNCs include Coca-Cola, Boeing, EADS, Arcelor-Mittal, Samsung, Apple and so on.

Is Nokia a multinational company?

It is a multinational company. Nokia is the largest multinational corporation in India.

Is the Boeing 747 a company?

The Boeing 747 is the largest aircraft manufactured by the the Boeing company. It is not a company. ----------------------------- Boeing is the main company manufacturing the 707 tothe 787 with all their variants.

Is the Boeing Company the makers of Boeing computer?

No, Boeing is a company that makes commercial passanger jets.

What does Boeing mean?

what is Boeing company

Which company starting with B makes jet aircrafts such as 747 737?

Boeing Aircraft Company builds the 737 and 747.

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Phillips is a multinational Dutch electronics company.

Is searle Pakistan a multinational company?

NO. Searle start as the multinational company, but now it is working as a national company

Is Boeing an industry?

The Boeing Company is the parent company of all Boeing products. Boeing operates under the areodefense. The industry is airplane manufacturing. When you fly on a commercial airliner that is operated by Boeing Commercial Airline. Boeing is the company name who makes the plane.

What does Boeing stand for?

Boeing is an aircraft company formed by William Boeing

Who runs Boeing?

The Boeing Company runs the various divisions of Boeing.