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The Gaza Strip is an anomaly. It was part of Egypt, but when Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty, Egypt refused to take back the Gaza Strip. Under international law, it was considered part of Israel, but Israel does not believe in occupying other areas, so they declined to take over the Gaza Strip. It is not part of any country, nor is it independent.

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Q: Is the Gaza Stripe part of Israel?
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Who promised the Gaza strip to israel?

Nobody did that, and the Gaza Strip is not part of Israel.

Is the Gaza strip part of Israel?

No. According to the Oslo Accords in 1993, the Gaza Strip officially belongs to the Palestinian Authority. It is currently occupied by the Hamas Paramilitary/Terrorist Group.

Why do the Israelis and the Palestinians both want the Gaza Strip?

The Israelis believe it is rightfully theirs according to the Biblical land of Israel, but the UN-recognized border goes outside it, so the Palestinians want to have it as their own nation. The previous opinion is incorrect. Israelis do not actually want the Gaza Strip, specifically because it is NOT part of the Biblical Land of Israel (Gaza is recognized to be part of the Philistine State in Biblical Times). The reason that there is conflict in Gaza is that Israel believes that the regime in Gaza is hard-set on the destruction of Israel. Palestinians do want the Gaza Strip, as explained by the previous opinion, so that they can have their own country.

Who controls the Gaza strip of israel?

Gaza is in the control of Hamas (a Palestinian group), West Bank is still in the hands of Fatah (another Palestinian group) but Israel is the occupying force in the vast majority of the West Bank.

What year did the war between Gaza and Israel start?

There is no war between Gaza and Israel.

What has Israel done to Gaza?

Israel attempts to protect herself against terrorist organizations. Gaza is left alone by Israel, except when the terrorists in Gaza attack Israel. For example, today terrorists in Gaza launched over 50 missiles into Israel. When this happens, Israel usually tries to destroy the missile factories.

Who makes up part of the Israeli forces in Gaza?

No one. Israel does not maintain forces in the Gaza Strip. Israel's security fences, guard towers, battleships, and other pieces of the Israeli military apparatus surrounding the Gaza Strip are in sovereign Israeli territory.

What religions were involved in the Gaza war?

The usual in Israel; Judaism trying to survive, and Islam complaining when Israel doesn't feed the Gaza Strip (they were firing rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip).

What does Gaza have that Israel does not have?

A Hamas Government.Pretty much everything else you can find in Gaza exists in Israel.The reason that Israel is fighting against Gaza has to do with the belligerent attitude and activities of its government. Israel does not want the Gaza Strip to acquire the territory or the people.

What does the green stripe mean on Israel flag mean?

There is no green stripe on Israel's flag.

Where is Gaza border?

Gaza strip is part of the Palestinian territory. It is a coastal strip on the Eastern part of the Mediterranean sea. It is an extension of the northeastern corner of the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt) and bounded by Israel from southwest and north.

Is Egypt going to go into the war between Israel and Gaza?

There is currently no war in progress involving Israel and the inhabitants of Gaza.