

Is the Grudge real

Updated: 10/23/2022
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13y ago

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No, it's only a movie. It's a fictional story. However, the premise of the movie is based on a real Japanese myth, that a curse can form in places where people have been killed while in a state of intense rage or despair.

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13y ago
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12y ago

the grudge is so fake, she is kindof scary but she fake.

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yes people think the grudge is real but it is not real so if you think its real dont any more cause its not some other people think they are real but they are not.

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The Ju-On/Grudge movies are fictional. The "Grudge house" is not real, in the sense that it is not haunted and the entire story is make-believe. But the house from Ju-On: the Curse and Ju-On: the Grudge is real, in the sense that it is not a movie set; the house actually exists. However, the house in the American remake was a mock-up built on a Tokyo sound stage.

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Is the grudge house real in Japan?

Yes, the house from Ju-On: the Curse and Ju-On: the Grudge is real. The house from the American remake was a mock-up built on a Tokyo sound stage.

Is the curse of Kayako Saeki real?

No, the Grudge movies are fictional.

Is Samara Morgan from The Grudge real?

Samara Morgan is not in The Grudge movies. Samara Morgan is in The Ring movies. And no, she is not real. She is a fictional character.

Who is the real actress who acted as kayoko saeki in grudge?

Takako Fuji.