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You cannot put two of hamster in the same cage unless they are dwarf. By saying full sized, you are implying they are Syrian. These hamsters would fight eachother because they are extremely territorial.

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Q: Is the Marchiro Jill 42.2 hamster resort cage good for two full sized hamsters?
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What is hamster behavior?

Well it depends... i have noticed that regular sized hamsters are meaner then the dwarf hamsters.... but any hamster will bite if it has babies... but i have two Campbell Russian dwarf hamsters and they are very cute! mine has never bit me!

Do hamster babies drink milk or eat food?

== == Idont know if regular sized hamsters can drink milk because i never see any hamsters drink milk?

What is the best way for hamsters to exercise?

They run on hamster wheels, but if you don't have that it's also good to take them on a walk.(you should make or buy a right sized collar.

Do dwarf hamsters have to have certain hamster balls?

Nope. I have a dwarf hamster and he has a medium sized ball but its a little to heavy for his weak little body to move. I recomend the smalled ball you can get that way they can go faster and eaiser! Good luck!

Are hamster big as a rat?

It depends on the size of the snake. I personally advise against feeding hamsters because of the amount of fur. I would suggest properly sized frozen feeders.

What is a silky hamster?

A silky hamster is just a hamster with shiny fur. Its exactly the smae as any other normal sized hamster. A silky hamster is just a hamster with shiny fur. Its exactly the smae as any other normal sized hamster.

Are hamster balls good for mice?

Well, I read somewhere that some hamsters will keep mice away. But then again, some hamsters are just plain friendly with the rodents! So if you are planning on getting a hamster to keep away mice, make sure you check with the owner that they are a breed that will keep mice away!

Are dwarf hamsters smart?

Yes. If not intergrated with other hamsters (including even averaged sized hamsters) at an early age, they do become defensive and territorial. This can go as well with an average hamster. But remember, this may vary from animal to animal.

Can a dwarf hamster live with a normal size hamster?

No, not everything, they need smaller cages - preferably plastic ones as dwarf hamsters can sometimes fit through the bars. A smaller wheel too, a hamster can hurt itself if its on a wheel that is too big.

What does a white hamster look like?

A hamster is a rodent about baseball sized. They have black eyes and have yellow teeth.They have little pink noses, and long whiskers (one inch). Hamsters are diffrent colours. My hamster is a black hamster and is about one year old.Hoped this helpled!well they are very very cute. chubby. cuddly. soft or rough. and they are the most cutist thing in the world!This is a dwarf hamster:Here is another kind of hamster:And another dwarf hamster:

Is taking care of a hamster cheap?

yes. Taking care of a hamster is very cheap. Cages range in price from around $15-$30, and hamsters are about $10. After that, you need bedding which costs about $3 for a pack. Reasonable sized packs of bedding cost about $2-$4. Hamsters also need hamster wheels which cost about $5. Finally, all you need is food which lasts about for a month. A pack of food costs about $7. Overall, the first month of taking care of a hamster costs about $50, and then the next months only cost about $10.

How many days does it take for a hamster to finish a whole bag of hamster food?

It might take a couple of months for a hamster to finish a bag of food. Hamsters don't usally eat to much. Hoped this helped! ==Second Answer== All hamsters will be different but my hamster used to get through 1 standard sized bag of Harry Hamster food in about 4-5 weeks. He was also fed fresh vegetables every day so the bag of food was not his only diet.