

Best Answer

No. The world's most dangerous scorpion is the Death stalker (Leiurus quinquestriatus).

See the related link below for the world's top ten deadliest sorpions.

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Q: Is the Palestine Yellow the most dangerous scorpion in the world?
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What is the most poisonous scorpion in the world?

The most dangerous scorpion in the world is either the Deathstalker or one of the Fat Tailed Scorpions. Here are some great links to futher answer. The most poisonous scorpion is the death-stalker scorpion. The name says it all. The Elmwood Park Zoo on the Death-Stalker Scorpion: The Death-Stalker Scorpion: Wikipedia on the Death-Stalker Scorpion:

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the world's longest scorpion is the black emperor scorpion at an average of eight centimeters long

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i think its mosquitoes, lions, jellyfishes, sharks, elephants,or yellow jackets.

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uh, no. this is mostly because palestine is not a country.(another guy)no!!palestine IS acountry

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Where is the largest scorpion found?

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