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Yes. Although bushland in Australia is not usually referred to as "forest", the Tasmanian devil could be said to be a forest animals. Tasmanian Devils live in dry bush habitat such as coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forest (eucalyptus bushland), and mixed sclerophyll-rainforest.

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Q: Is the Tasmanian devil a forest animal?
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Where in the forest does a Tasmanian devil live?

The Tasmanian devil lives on the forest floor of eucalyptus bushland and woodlands.

What is the Tasmania animal?

A Tasmanian is not an animal. A Tasmanian is a resident of Tasmania, Australia's island state.

What animal does not get eaten by a Tasmanian devil?

Any animal larger than a wallaby will not be attacked or hunted by a Tasmanian devil. However, there is no limit to the size of an animal it will eat if the animal is already dead, as the Tasmanian devil is a scavenger as well as a hunter.

What is the angriest animal?

Tasmanian Devil?

What is a daredevil animal?

A Tasmanian Devil.

What is the Tasmanian devil's co-animal?

There is no "co-animal" for the Tasmanian devil. It is a solitary species that does not interact with other species, except to hunt and eat them.

What is the geography of a Tasmanian Devil?

A "Tasmanian Devil" is an animal. As such it does not have any geography. The Term "geography" can only be applied to land not animals. For instance you could as "What is the geography of Tasmania" or "What is the geographical habitat of the Tasmanian Devil" but not "What is the geography of a Tasmanian Devil".For the habitat of the Tasmanian devil, see the related question.

What wild animal is Satan?

The tasmanian devil.

What kind of animal is a Tasmanian Devil?


Do some Tasmanian devils live in the rain forest?

A Tasmanian devil is not a rainforest animal in the conventional sense of the word. Tasmanian rainforests are cool-temperate rainforests, and while some Tasmanian devils occupy these cool rainforests, most of them are found in bushland (dry sclerophyll) and coastal heathlands.

How is the Tasmanian devil's bite toxic?

The Tasmanian devil's bite is not toxic. The animal has powerful jaws, but its bite is not toxic.

Why was the Tasmanian devil chosen to be the national animal?

The Tasmanian devil is not the national emblem of anywhere. Tasmania is one of the states of Australia, and the Tasmanian devil is also not the state emblem. Tasmania has no official animal emblem, although the Tasmanian devil is certainly considered its unofficial emblem, as it is found in the wild only in Tasmania.