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Yes, they mean the same thing. Animal rights is the ideology behind the animal liberation movement. Animal liberation is the ultimate goal of the movement, and the latter term is used more often because I think animal liberation sounds more radical and unsettling.

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Q: Is the animal liberation movement the same as animal rights movement?
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types meaning philosophies? There is a common confusion between the idea of animal welfare and animal rights. Animal welfare is the idea that animals should be treated humanely, but humans should have the right to use them for their own advancement and benefit. Animal rights and animal welfare are entirely different. Within the concepts of animal rights, there is specieism, painism, animal liberation, veganism, vegetarianism, and more. Animal rights activists will not share 100% of the same ethics, but in general they believe that animals should have the same basic rights as humans; the right to live without fear, pain, or violence. To live outside of captivity. To not be eaten. To be given respect, legal protection, etc.

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The religious right rejected women's liberation, gay rights, and abortion rights.

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The Women's Right Movement in Canada happened in the 1950's and 60's and women campaigned and won the right to vote. Women fought to be allowed the same rights and freedoms as men and to be declared persons by the government.

Does everyone have the same rights in the us?

no; the civil rights movement was important because it provided equality

How did the women movement begin?

it stated when women were not able to have the same rights as men. it stated when women were not able to have the same rights as men.

Prior to civil rights movement which laws denied?

Prior to the Civil Rights movement, there was general inequality which was socially or lawfully enacted. Prior to this movement was laws that denied equality regarding Blacks given the same rights as Whites.

The main focus of the niagara movement was?

on equal rights and the education of African Americans

Why is the civil rights movement significant today?

Now a days, it is the movement for homosexuals to have the same rights that heterosexuals have, like marriage and child care laws.

What did people start to question after the civil rights movement?

That people were all basically the same