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Prior to the Civil Rights Movement, there was general inequality which was socially or lawfully enacted. Prior to this movement was laws that denied equality regarding Blacks given the same rights as Whites.

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Q: Prior to civil rights movement which laws denied?
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What are 5 events prior to the civil rights movement that caused the civil rights movement to occur?

The rise of the Black Panthers The Watts riots

Why did many people in Northern Ireland support the civil rights movement?

Simply, because many people in Northern Ireland were being denied their civil rights, and so they and others went to support a movement that was trying to get them.

What were three group that denied their civil rights?

Well, that would be pretty much everybody. Black people were denied their civil rights, and some say they still are denied some rights. Gay people are currently denied their civil rights. Women also face discrimination.

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How can civil rights be denied?

the right way

Which events in the civil rights movement preceded the civil rights act of 1964?

Prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the main legislation in regards to civil rights was the Civil Rights Act of 1875. It was President John F Kennedy who called for this Act to be updated in response to the emerging Civil Rights movement and unrest in America.

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What did Mose Wright's do?

Mose Wright helped with the Civil Rights Movement. The civil rights movement helped give blacks equal rights as whites.

How did the Civil Rights Movement expand to encompass other minority groups?

The Civil Rights Movement expanded to encompass other minority groups through their shared experiences of discrimination and inequality. Leaders like Martin Luther King Jr advocated for solidarity among different marginalized communities, leading to collaborations between civil rights organizations and groups representing other minorities, such as the Chicano movement and the LGBTQ+ rights movement. This broader coalition sought to address systemic injustices affecting all minority groups.

What type of movement is gay rights?

It is a civil rights movement.

Was Josephine Baker involved in the civil rights movement?

Yes She was involved in a civil rights movement.

Father of the civil rights movement?

Ed Roberts was known as the father of the civil rights movement.