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It is Buddhism however the triple jewel is also in Jainism and Taoism metaphorically

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Q: Is the belief of the Three Jewels hinduism or buddhism?
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Three jewels of Buddhism?

The Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.

What are the three jewels of Buddhism and what are the English translations for them?

Hey, The Three Jewels of Buddhism are: The Buddha (enlightened one); The Dharma (teachings); The Sangha (community of practitioners). I hope that is helpful. Thanks

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The religious symbol for Buddhism is the teachings of the Buddha or the Three Noble Jewels.

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Hinduism and Buddhism, but there are many other religions that are thought to have originated in India (such as Christianity and Islam). Also, Taoism and Confucianism are also believed to be derived mainly from Buddhism, which was founded in India

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What types of Buddhism follow the eight fold path?

The Eightfold Path is central to all Buddhist belief. Though Buddhism has many sects but following things are common to all of them 1. All of them believe in three jewels i. e. Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha 2. Four noble truth 3. Eight fold path

Is sacred texts shared or not shared by Hinduism and Buddhism?

Sacred texts are shared between Hinduism and Buddhism, with both religions revering texts such as the Vedas and Upanishads. However, each tradition also has its own distinct scriptures, such as the Bhagavad Gita for Hindus and the Tripitaka for Buddhists.