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- Yes, the process is called gluconeogenesis.

- The body takes the precursors and breaks them down, then synthesises pyruvate.

- The pyruvate is then converted into glucose.

- The major precursors are: Lactate, Amino Acids, and Glycerol.

Fun fact: Most animals cannot convert fatty acids into glucose!


- Full Answer by AltairCraft

- Credentials: Biotech Engineering Student


<<Original Answer: yes. it's "true".>>


- Original Answer by: "Emory Luhers"

- Nice googling moron, OP can Google it herself, she obviously wanted a more in-depth answer.

- Can someone ban "Emory Luhers" for contributing without knowing what she's talking about?

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Q: Is the body able to form glucose from non carbohydrates precursors?
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Yes ...glucides are good for you ...they are carbohydrates , and we need these....the body converts these to glucose which in turn are converted into energy by the body .....

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