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Greek...sort of. Aelurus (or Ailuros) was the name that the Greeks gave to the Egyptian Goddess Bast as they thought that she was their Artemis in disguise. The Hellenized Bast was considered to be an aspect of her by the Greeks so she tentatively was her own goddess in the Greek Pantheon.

PLEASE, keep in mind that the various Greek Dieites got blurred together as Artemis herself was blurred with the Greek Moon Goddess Selene. This fudging was often highly illogical, even for mythology, as Artemis was a VIRGIN HUNTERESS while Selene was a MOON TITANESS who SCREWED HER LOVER LIKE A RABBIT IN AN ECSTASY TESTING LAB! Selene had over FIFTY children with her man which makes her about as far from being a virgin as you can get without being a prostitute! Things got EVEN MORE CONFUSING as BAST was a SOLAR GODDESS so things were all FUBAR when she was turned into Artemis.

This is about a straight answer as your gonna get, you can dig deeper but the whole thing just gets messy. It's best to think of Aelurus (Bast/Artemis) along the same lines as what happened to Zeus when the Romans made him Jupiter. The same and yet not the same.

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