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Q: Is the cold bites through your caost a methaphor?
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Can viruses can be transmitted to humans through insect bites?

yes especially in mosquitoes such as malaria but not simple things such as the flu or a common cold

What are some causes of illness in Russia?

Pollution The cold Zombie bites Malnourishment

Why is it that cold compress contraindicated to snake bites?

The wound needs to bleed to get the wound cleaned out.

When did eighth grade bites take place?

it's obvious that eight grade bites takes place in the winter! The book always says how cold it is when they walk outside. And in present day times

What is the treatment for bug bites?

The best at-home treatment for bug bites is an ice cold metal spoon against the affected area, or a bag of ice. This will numb the itching and swelling. For store-bought remedies, the most sought-after brand is Off!.

How does the Arctic fox survive the harsh winter in the tundra?

The Arctic fox is specifically made to survive extreme cold weathers, it has a very thick fur coat that keeps it very warm. It knows how to hunt and camouflage itself in the uses its heavy winter caost to stay warm

What is the use of the fur for animals?

yes it does it keeps it warm and if a animal bites it it dont go right in to the skin it goes to the fur.

What front moves through an area faster warm or cold?


How do you treat bug bites from outside?

You can wash it off with ice cold water and then put on a baking soda paste to relieve the itching. If you have many bites, take a dose of benedryl to stop the reaction. Other people use white vinegar on the bite or benedryl cream.

Compare the mode of transmission of the common cold with that of malaria?

the common cold is a disease that is only spread to others by direct contact while malaria is the infectious disease that is spread by mosquitos carrying the virus and injecting the host with the bacteria when it bites

What is a characteristic of snake?

Snakes are a cold blooded reptile. They have no limbs and slither on the ground. They kill their prey by constriction or venomous bites. They have a scaly skin that they shed yearly.

How does a rabbit catch mixamytosis?

Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!! Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!! Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!! Through cold weather, as the rabbit becomes increasingly cold, my advice to you mr is, fatten up you rabbit, carrots will do nicely (: BEWARE !!!!!