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The Earth won't, actually can't stop spinning in a human timescale.

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Can we stop the core of the Earth from spinning?

No. And even if we could, the spinning of the rest of the Earth will quickly make the core spin again.

Is it true that the earth will stop spinning in 2 years?

No, that is nonsense.

What happens when the earth stop spinning?

The earth wont stop spinning unless something big hits it - then we would all die from the collision. A counter rotational force is required to stop the earths spin, otherwise it will just go on rotating.

What is Jay-Z's music philosophy?

I vow to never stop winning Until the earth stop spinning

How is the earth similar to and different from a spinning top?

They both spin but the earth is not a toy

When was Stop Spinning created?

Stop Spinning was created in 1985.

Does the solar system cause earth rotation?

No. Once an object starts spinning it does not need anything to keep it spinning. In fact it would take a force to stop the rotation. Earth has been rotating since it first formed and its angular momentum has kept it spinning.

Why does the earth dpin in circles?

Because the cloud of materials from which it formed were spinning, and there hasn't been anything to stop it.

In 2012 will Earth stop having gravity?

Now this may surprise you, but it's 2018 and earth still has gravity. So I'm gonna go with no, in 2012 earth will not stop pulling gravity.

Where does the earth stop?

No, the spin of the earth is slowing (due to tidal friction with the moon) and the moon is being pushed further away all the time but the earth will not stop spinning. Also the earth orbits the Sun and this will continue as well.

If earth stopped spinning would it loose atmosphere?

No, the atmosphere is held in place by gravity, not centripetal force. If the earth stopped spinning, there would be no coriolis force though. This would stop deflecting the moving air in the atmosphere.