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The most common used to make braces are Stainless Steal or Nickel Titanium. But there is also such thing as Ceramic braces.

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Q: Is the element silver used in dental braces?
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Is the element silver used in dentistry?

In dentistry, silver is most often used to make dental fillings. However, since more people are now opting for tooth-colored fillings, silver is not as widely used as it once was.

What is a dental hollenback?

It is an instrument used to carve anatomy into silver dental fillings.

What tools do you need to remove dental braces?

I used a pair of wire cutters to remove mine.

What is element silver used for?

The element silver is used for Jewelry, silverware, etc. It has also been used in many coins around the world.

What are these dental impressions used for and are they necessary?

dental impressions . well they are a mold of your teeth . the molds get sent off to some company . they make a set of braces to fit your teeth perfectly

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What metals are used in the alloys for Amalgam?

Silver amalgam for dental fillings is made from mercury and silver. The amalgam used for the reflective properties of a mirror is made from silver and tin.

How old is silver?

The element silver is as old as the first supernovae, which created heavy metals in the universe. Man has used silver for several thousand years, much of recorded history, both for its applications as a metal (jewelry, silverware, electrical, dental) and as a medium of exchange (coinage, bullion). *For the fictional character Silver, see "How old is Silver the hedgehog?"

Does it hurt to get dental braces?

Not at the very moment your dentist is attaching the braces to your teeth... it becomes uncomfortable afterward about a day after when your lips are getting used to your braces. You would usually get mouth blisters and cuts. Your dentist should give you some pain relief pill to help you with this.

What do people use mercury for?

the element mercury is a silver liquid at room temperature. It has been used in some oral thermometers. It is used to make amalgam dental fillings. It is a toxic heavy metal, and can cause neurological damage when ingested in quantity.

What is dental code D8090?

Medical code D8090 is for adult orthodontic treatment. It is used for things like regular metal braces and Invisalign.