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Q: Is the ficus elastica tree sap poisonus?
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What is another name for hardened tree sap?

Another name for tree sap is PITCH. Thanks for taking my answer!! Answered by, Grace Deering try Resin also Answered by Andrew Ball

Are ficus tree leaves poisonous?

Yes and no. They are toxic in the same way that poison ivy is toxic. The sap from the leaves will irritate the skin, throat, and stomach, and will likely cause the cat to vomit or have diarrhea. Uncorrected vomiting or diarrhea can be fatal (due to choking or dehydration), but the plant itself is not deadly.

How do you get rid of pecan tree sap?

Lick the sap off of the tree.

Why is there sap on the leaves of the linden tree?

What causes the sap on a Linden tree? and what can I do?

How do you get tree sap out of your hair?

I think the better question is: why do you have tree sap in your hair?

Why is Car covered in tree sap every morning?

Its tree sap from a tree if your car is under a pine tree then that's your answer

What color is rare tree sap?

Yellow red or blue Is the colour of tree sap.

What is made from a sap of a tree?

The type or rock made from tree sap is amber or jantar.

Can you fossilise tree sap?

Amber is lithified tree sap. Small insects and animals can be preserved but not fossilised in amber.

How do you spell sap like from a tree?

That is the correct spelling of "sap" meaning tree liquid (from the phloem).

What does tree sap smell like?

tree sap strangely smells like bonjela!

Is tree sap poisonous to people?

Some tree sap can be poisonous to people. It depends on what tree(s) you are wanting to find the answer to.