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Some tree sap can be poisonous to people. It depends on what tree(s) you are wanting to find the answer to.

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Q: Is tree sap poisonous to people?
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Is elephant ear palm tree sap poisonous to dogs?

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No This is a poisonous tree - the sap of this tree will blister the skin so its not advisable to stand beneath this tree while raining.

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No! Rubber is made from the sap of the tree and is poisonous. The fruit will likewise be dangerous to eat.

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It is called amber and people make all sorts of things out of it like jewelry.

Was glue ever made from tree sap?

Yes, native people all over the world had glues from tree-sap. The north American Indians added crushed charcoal to pine sap to make a glue.

How do you get tree sap out of your hair?

I think the better question is: why do you have tree sap in your hair?

Is mulberry tree sap poisonous?

No, it is not :) You can chew it, it has very nice and light taste, a bit sourish but still very good. Used to chew it when was little

Is Pine sap poisonous to people?

. Wouldn't reccomend it, and it could give you a stomach ache, but you wouldnt be hospitalized

Why is Car covered in tree sap every morning?

Its tree sap from a tree if your car is under a pine tree then that's your answer