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Doubtful, as yeast are fungi with walls of chitin, while bacteria have walls of peptidoglycan.

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Q: Is the gram stain useful for distinguishing between yeasts?
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The difference between Wright Stain and Giemsa Stain is the intensity of the stain. The Giemsa Stain provides a better stain intensity than the Giemsa stain.

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Yes, because the methylene blue stain makes the organelles in eucharyotic cells visible to us in a basic microscope.

What stain is useful for visualizing spirochaetes?

Spirochaetes are best seen under darkfield microscopy.

How do you think the stain changes the sample?

A stain is the result of an interaction between substances.

Why is it generally more useful to stain eukayotic cells than prokaryotic cells?

When you stain a Eukaryotic Cell, the nucleus becomes more clear visually. This makes it more useful to stain a Eukaryotic Cell than a Prokaryotic Cell because Prokaryotic Cells do not have a true Nucleus. Hope it helped! -iKiNG

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What are different mechanisms for stain removal and which situations each are most suitable for?

(Please elaborate:)FACTORSUPHOLSTERY/FABRIC TYPE: how this effects the stain removal methodORGANIC/INORGANIC: which types of stain removers are more common for organic stains?PH: Acidity of stain and stain remover, chemical reactions involvedTEMPERATURE: when cold is useful to keep stains from setting? when heat aids chemical reactions for stain removal? (steam,)TIME: time for a stain to set; for a detergent to soak or workScrubbing/Rubbing: When to do so and pressure exertedMECHANISMSALKALINES (,baking soda): are useful when... and do this:,ACIDS (,vinegar): are useful when...Water: for surfactant/carrying agent/dilution of detergentSurfactants: wetting, dispersing, emulsifying, foamingPeroxide:Ammonia:Bleaches:Enzymes:Other types of cleaners: commercial, cleaners for inorganic stains; for special materials or stains, steam

Why do all cells stain purple in the flagella stain but not in the gram stain?

The gram stain uses a decolorizing product so it is possible to differentiate between the gram and the gram cells. Gram positive cells stain purple in color.

What is the different between normal dirt and a stain?

The difference between normal dirt and a stain is in their difficult to wash off. Normal dirt comes off easily but a stain is a colored patch which penetrative and thus making it hard to remove.

Difference between dye and stain?

A stain is temporary whereas dyes are permanent and can be removedonly after cell wall destruction.