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Q: Is the gravity on neptune more or less than earths?
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Is there more or less gravity on Neptune then on earth?

Neptune has slightly more gravity than Earth. It is believed that the gravity is 17% greater than Earth's.

Why does Saturn have less gravity than Earth?

Neptune has much more mass than Earth with a mass of 17 times the mass of the Earth. Also, the diameter of Neptune is 3.8 times the diameter of Earth. This brings the gravity on Neptune up to 114% of the gravity of Earth.

Why would you way more on Neptune than earth?

Because they have more mass (m) and a greater diameter (r). g = m/r2You would weigh more on:JupiterNeptunebut less onMercuryVenusMarsSaturnUranus

Is gravity on Saturn stronger than earths gravity?

Yes it does, because the Earth is smaller than Saturn it will have less gravity than Saturn and because Saturn is bigger it will have more gravity

How does gravity affect the earths surface?

It makes things weigh more or less, depending on the surface gravity.

How much more is Earths surface of gravity than the Moon's?

Earths surface of gravity is 4.6m/s2 more than moons.

Does neptune have more gravity than the earth?


Does gravity decrease or increase if earths mass doubled?

More mass --> more gravity.

Why would you weigh more on neptune than on Saturn?

The force of gravity on Neptune is greater than on Saturn.

Which planet has an orbital eccentricity most like the orbital eccentricity of the earth?

The Earths orbit is fairly un-eccentric when compared to the other planets, with only Neptune and Venus having more regular (less eccentric) orbits. The eccentricity of earths orbit is 0.0167, the closest to this is Neptune's, with a value of 0.00859

Why does the acceleration of gravity vary from one point to another on the earths surface?

Different air pressure, so there is more/less air resistance.

When does gravity change?

Gravity is caused by mass. Everything causes gravity but the bigger it is and more mass it has the more pull is felt by its gravity. So you are pulling the earth towards you and the earth is pulling you. The earth is much bigger and has more mass, so it pulls much more. Gravity gets weaker the further away you get from its source. The earths crust does not have the same mass all over, so some areas have slightly less gravity than others. The differences between areas are very very small. The moon has only a quarter the mass of the earth, so gravity on the moon is a quarter of earths gravity.