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Q: Is the great wall of China the only visible thing from space that is human made?
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What is the only human built structure that is visible from space?

great wall of china?

Which construction in china is the only human object that can be seen from the space?

The myth says that it's the Great Wall of China. But it's not visible from space.

A 4500 foot long wall the longest structure ever built and only human made construction visible from space?

The great wall of china

The landmark that was built by man and that is visible from outer space is?

the great wall of china -sonny

Who was the only man-made object visible from outer space?

great wall of china

What is the largest man made structure visible from outer space?

The Great Wall of China

Is the Great Wall of China the only man-made structure that can be seen from space?

yes, the great wall of china is the only man- made structure visible from space but there are some traces of the forest fires of amzon rainforest also visible.

What is china's biggest landmark?

The Great Wall of China. It is also the only man-made structure visible from outer space.

What famous landmark is the only visible structure on Earth that you can see from outer space?

The Great Wall of China

What is the Great Wall of China famous for?

It is the longest man-made structure in the world and believed to be visible from space. I believe it was used to divide China.

Is the great wall of china the only visible thing from space?

No, you can see many things. such as street lamps, mount Everest.

Can any man made object be seen from space?

Yes ! The Great Wall of China is visible from space. furthermore, the great pyramids of Giza and the light on top of the Luxor hotel in las Vegas can be seen from space