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Q: Is the house of burgesses one legislative body or two?
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Did the second continental congress have a bicameral or a unicameral organization?

The definition of "unicameral" is one legislative house. The definition of "bicameral" is two legislative houses. The Second Continental Congress that was convened in Philadelphia consisted of one legislative house; therefore it was unicameral.

What is the Virginia house legislature called?

If you're asking what the first one was called, then I know it was the House of Burgesses. This was the first self-governing assembly in the thirteen colonies.

What connection can you draw between the Mayflower Compact and the American Revolution?

The House of Burgesses was the first assembly of representatives. It handled stuff like taxes and laws. The governor still had to approve all laws so that royalty wouldn't lose all the power. The Mayflower Compact was the first democratic document in the New World. It set up a "civil body politic" and pledged the good of the whole over the individual. Rosseau called it a "social contract" where a group of people give up certain rights so that other rights can be protected. The Mayflower Compact and the House of Burgesses set the stage for American democracy. The house of Burgesses limited royal authority and increased citizen participation in the colonial government. The experimental democracy became the living example of how to create a democratic givernment for the United States. It seems that it became a model for other English colonies to follow. Such as the Southern Colonies and those would be Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

What is the name of the Illinois legislative branch?

The official name is the General Assembly and it is bicameral with a House of Representatives and a Senate. There are 59 Legislative Districts, equal in population, and each district elects one Senator. Each Legislative District is divided into two House districts of equal population. One House member is elected from each House district for a total of 118 House members.

Name one branch or part of the gov.?

Legislative (other two are Executive and Judicial)

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Virginia house of burgesses A+LS Virgina Company

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represenative democrcy The House of Burgesse a representative government in Virginia. There were 22 members. One of them was the governor of Virginia. The governor appointed s…

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parliament govenors council burgesses

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A legislative body consisting of 2 separate bodies; such as a House and Senate. A state such as Kansas has a unicameral body, meaning that they only have one legislative body.

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House of Burgesses

What is the Virginia house of burgesses for?

The House of Burgess was the first democratically elected governing body in the British American colonies. It was established at the Virginia General Assembly in 1619 and its electorate was confined to landholding males at least 21 years of age.

What are 2 parts to the legislative branch?

The two parts of the legislative branch is Governor's Council and the Burgesses

Who took part in the first general assembly in 1619 that acted as one legislative?

parliament govenors council burgesses

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How were representatives to the House of Burgesses chosen?Answer this question…

What type of government was the House of Burgesses?

represenative democrcyThe House of Burgesse a representative government in Virginia. There were 22 members. One of them was the governor of Virginia. The governor appointed six members of the colony to be his council. The other 15 members were elected by the colony. It is important because it was the first legislative body in the English colonies in America.source:

Was house of burgesses?

In 1619, the American colony of Virginia created the elected House Of Burgesses as the lower house of its legislature. In 1769, Virginia's House of Burgesses was dissolved by the British Governor, arguably one of the insults from King George III's government that eventually led to the U.S. Revolution in 1776. Virginia's elected lower house today is known as the Virginia House of Delegates.

Should the legislature be bicameral or unicameral?

The U.S. Congress is bicameral legislature, because it is a two-house legislature; Senate and the House of Representatives