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represenative democrcy The House of Burgesse a representative government in Virginia. There were 22 members. One of them was the governor of Virginia. The governor appointed s…

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9y ago
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8y ago

The House of Burgesses was important because it established the Virginia colony.

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9y ago

The Virginia House of Burgesses, established in 1619 at Jamestown, was the first representative legislative body in the New World.

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14y ago
  1. it help establish the tradition of self government in the colonies
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15y ago

The Virginia house of burgesses was important because the the people in Jamestown had meetings there.

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9y ago

The House of Burgesses was a legislative body in Virginia from 1643 to 1776. It was important because it was the first legislative body in America.

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11y ago

Look in your history book!!:)

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What is the government of Virginia called?

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Was house of burgesses?

In 1619, the American colony of Virginia created the elected House Of Burgesses as the lower house of its legislature. In 1769, Virginia's House of Burgesses was dissolved by the British Governor, arguably one of the insults from King George III's government that eventually led to the U.S. Revolution in 1776. Virginia's elected lower house today is known as the Virginia House of Delegates.

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The Constitution

What is the House of Burgesses called today?

The Virginia House of Burgesses ceased existence after the US Constitution was ratified. It is now the Virginia House of Representatives.

What would we call today the penalty the house of burgesses legislated for gambling?

a fine

How did the Virginia House of Burgesses affect America today?

For Starters: Government by the consent of the governed. The established self-rule of the colonists would play a key roel in the coming Revolution.

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they are the outline of our government today.

How did the House of Burgesses affect the American Constitution?

The House of Burgesses Gave the founding fathers an example of what the legislature should look like, without it we would probably have a unimercal (one bodied) legislature, like britian's parliment. -Side Note, the House of Burgesses was a bimercal legislature, or made of two bodies, like the one we have today, the New Jersey and Virginia plans are what framed the two bodies representative count and distribution.

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the constitution is important because it provides a blueprint for government in the united states

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