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That would depend on who's angry wife your talking about.

If the tenants wife damages your property or your landlords property then the tenants wife is liable for those damages. Due to the extension of common law you can also be held financially liable for actions of your spouse. The landlord would have no control over the tenants wife nor her actions and could not be held liable.

If the Landlords wife came over and damaged your property or the landlords property then the Landlord and or the landlord wife would be financially liable.

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Q: Is the landlord or tenant responsible for damage to camper trailer door caused by angry wife?
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As a general rule, you are responsible for any damage to your property. However, if your landlord knew of problems with the ceiling but did not get them fixed promptly, he may be responsible for the damage to your property. Also, if the ceiling collapse was caused by faulty construction (i.e. the ceiling did not comply with local building codes), you would be able to sue your landlord for failing to keep the property up to building code. Finally, since landlord-tenant laws vary from state to state, your state may have a specific law that holds your landlord responsible for the damage. You should immediately see a tenant's rights agency or landlord-tenant attorney who can review your specific situation.

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