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In most (probably all) jurisdictions where a formula is used to determine the amount of child support, it will take into account the income of both parties and their expenses. If your ex is making $500 a week but paying $250 a week for child care, their net income will be reduced to account for that. This will result in you paying more child support.

So, in that sense, the answer is yes. If you mean paying the child support ordered by the court and then also paying child care on top of that, then no, unless the support order specifically says you have to.

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Q: Is the non-custodial parent obligated to help pay for child care as well as pay child support?
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These are set out in the child support order. One thing to remember, the custodial parent is also obligated to spend the same percentage of income on the child, but are not required to prove it, so most often refuse to do so. Best option is using a trust fund. see link below.

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Yes. They are still the child's parent and responsible for supporting their child.

In Pennsylvania does a father have to continue paying child support for an 18-year-old who is pregnant?

The legal age of majority for the state is 18. However, the terms stipulated in the child support order determines when the obligated parent can cease payment. The pregnancy would not be a factor in whether or not the noncustodial parent is still financially obligated. If the terms of the order are unclear, it would be advisable for the obligated parent to obtain legal advice before taking any action.