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The protein looks like a dumb bell with two with two ends and the rod you mentioned is in the center. The entire unit rotates around with the "rod' embedded in the membrane. This helps to speed up the production of ATP from ADP.

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Q: Is the rotation of the internal rod in ATP synthase responsible for ATP synthesis?
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What enzyme is responsible for the synthesis of ATP using a proton gradient?

The ATP synthase, of course. Another rotary motor.

What are oxysomes found in?

these are found in inner mitochondrial membrane and also called F1or elementary particles it contains enzymes ATP synthase responsible for synthesis of ATP

What enzyme is responsible for synthesizing ATP?

The enzyme is ATP synthase (sometimes referred to as "ATP synthetase").It catalyzes the synthesis of ATP from ADP and free inorganic phosphate. It is a remarkable enzyme, part of which spins round. In fact, ATP synthase has been called a molecular machine.To see an image, use the link below.

What is the enzyme that restore adp back to ATP?

The enzyme that converts adenosine diphosphate back into adenosine triphosphate is called 'ATP synthase'.

What is the role of ATP synthase and how does is work?

ATP synthase is a key enzyme in energy transformation of a living cell. The enzyme makes adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from adenosine diiphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). ADP + Pi <=> ATP ATP is a universal "energy currency" of a living cell and is essential for DNA synthesis, muscle contraction, ion and nutrients transport, signal transduction, etc. The amazing feature of ATP synthase is rotary catalysis: a complex of subunits rotates relative to the rest of the enzyme and the mechanical energy of rotation is driving ATP synthesis reaction. In turn, the rotation is powered by transport of protons trough the membrane segment of ATP synthase. The driving force for this transport is the electrochemical potential difference of proton across the membrane. ATP synthase is therefore the smallest mechano-electro-chemical energy transducer that works as a nanoturbine. A much more detailed description of ATP synthase is available at

Related questions

What enzyme is responsible for the synthesis of ATP using a proton gradient?

The ATP synthase, of course. Another rotary motor.

Is hydrogen gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane a cellular energy currency?

No, the hydrogen gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane is not a cellular energy currency itself. However, this gradient is utilized by the enzyme ATP synthase to generate ATP, which is the primary energy currency of cells.

What are oxysomes found in?

these are found in inner mitochondrial membrane and also called F1or elementary particles it contains enzymes ATP synthase responsible for synthesis of ATP

What enzyme is responsible for synthesizing ATP?

The enzyme is ATP synthase (sometimes referred to as "ATP synthetase").It catalyzes the synthesis of ATP from ADP and free inorganic phosphate. It is a remarkable enzyme, part of which spins round. In fact, ATP synthase has been called a molecular machine.To see an image, use the link below.

Why glycogen synthesis does not start de novo?

It requires primer to start de novo synthesis. Glycogen synthase require 4 glucose already present in the chain.

What is the difference between ATP synthesis and ATP synthase?

synthases do not use energy from NTP's, sythetases do! synthase can be used with any enzyme that catalyzes synthesis (whether or not it uses nucleoside triphosphates), whereas synthetase is to be used synonymously with 'ligase'.

What does the top partof ATP synthase do when hydrogen ions enter?

The top part of ATP synthase uses the energy from the flow of hydrogen ions to rotate a rotor, which in turn causes conformational changes in the enzyme that drive the synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. This process is known as chemiosmosis and is a vital step in cellular respiration for producing energy in the form of ATP.

What must be present when electron transfer and ATP synthesis occur?

all of the electron transport proteins as well as ATP synthase

What is the basic mechanism by which ATP synthase generates ATP in the mitochondria?

The proton gradient set up by the electron transport chain causes mechanical rotation of ATP synthase, and this energy is used to form ATP

What is the direct source of Energy ATP synthesis used to synthesize ATP?

Energy released from movement of protons through ATP synthase energy released from movement of protons through ATP synthase is the most direct source of energy in this case.

How do you convert synthase units to International units?

I know that Synthase Units are used to qualify enzymatic ability to synthesis molecules its indicated for. I don't know that a conversion factor is available to this. However, some supplements use International units IU and others use synthase units SU so how do you make a comparison if you don't have a conversion factor?

The synthesis of ATP by relying on a proton gradient?

Yes, only then can the protons in the intermembrane space move through the ATP synthase into the matrix by diffusion, and as they move through ATP synthase, the enzyme c an harness the available energy thus allowing the phosphorylation of ATP