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Q: Is the scottich wild cat scotlands native animal?
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Native animal in Scotland?

The Scottish Wild Cat.

Is an ostrich an wild animal?

No. Ostriches are native to Africa.

Is it legal to have a possum as a pet in california?

No. It is considered a wild animal and not native to CA.

What does the Australian wallaby symbol represent?

The wallaby does not represent anything. It is a native wild animal.

What is an exotic pet?

Technically an exotic is an animal kept as a pet that is not native to the country you live in. It is also an animal that most would consider a wild animal.

Is a koala an Australian native animal?

Yes. Koalas are Australian native animals. They are endemic to Australia, meaning they are not found in the wild in any other country.

What are native animals of Ireland?

the largest Irish wild land animal is the Red deer

Is an elephant a native Australian animal?

No. Elephants can be spotted only in the zoos of Australia. They cant be seen in the wild in Australia

You are a wild animal you are a meat eater you are native to North America and you look like a German shepherd what are you?

Maybe a coyote.

The difference between feral animals and Australian native animals?

Feral means a wild animal whereas Australian native animals are animals that have always lived in Australia

What animal's name ends with ark and begins with the letters a a v d r v?

You are referring to an aardvark which is a wild animal native to Africa which digs and feeds on ants.

How are kangaroos a tourist attraction?

because they are native to Australia and are not found in the wild anywhere else, if kangaroos were alive in the wild everywhere and were a common animal i can assure you people would not be as interested in them.