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Q: Is the serving size listed on grits bag cooked or uncooked?
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Can you freeze grits at are uncooked?

Yes, you can store uncooked grits in the refrigerator.

How many calories in an order of grits?

I was just doing some research to find out the answer to that very question! I've seen the same results, on a number of web pages. Here is one: I hope that it helps. Take care! ~Ali

How many cups of dry grits is equal to cooked grits?

Though it depends on the type of rice and the method of cooking, one cup of rice will generally yield about 2 cups of cooked rice (it can vary from 1.5 cups to around 2.5 cups, though). Long grain rice will yield 3/4 cup of cooked rice per 1/4 cup of raw.

How much protein is in grits?

There are three grams of protein in a 1/4 cup serving.

What types of cooked cereal are there?

Grits (as it's known in the south), is made from coarse corn meal. Polentina is another cooked cereal made from corn meal (similar to polenta, but with more liquid added). Cooked cereal would also include other cooked grains: Oatmeal, and wheat-based cereals like Farina, Cream of Wheat, and Malt-O-Meal. Other coarsely-ground grains can be used as breakfast cereals, cooked until tender. These are called by various names in different cultures.

How many carbohydrates in a serving of grits?

Yes, Grits are a whole grain made from corn. It is a carbohydrate food (for the most part). It does contain some protein. You can see if a food is mostly carb, fat or protein by looking at the nutrition label.

What state has grits?

grits came from England in the United Kingdom

What is in grits?

Grits is maiz molido, or mola.

How many servings are in a one pound bag of grits?

According to my bag of grits, three (3) tablespoons is equal to one (1) serving. There are 32 tablespoons in one pound, so divide 32 by 3 and you get a little over 10 servings (or 10.666666666666666666666666666667 servings).

What are grits like the food you eat in the morning?

Corn. It is coarsely ground corn that is cooked up into a sort of mash. It can be eaten with a bit of butter or some like it with gravy.

What is grits in spanish?

Grits is maiz molido, or mola.

Are jd bugs better than grits?
