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Its low and plants grow close to the ground and close together, helping them to resist the cold winds. The plants are small and roots are shallow to skim the thin unfrozen layer on top of the permafrost. Also, some lichen found in tundras can survive on rocks!

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Q: Is the soil's nutrients in the tundra poor or rich?
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yes, this is true

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The top soil of the rainforest doesnt contain many nutrients, and the top soils minerals are washed away with the soil due to rainfall. The plants are adapted to the soil by them containing nutrients within themselves, therefore not needing soils rich in nutrients and minerals.:)- that's all i know.....

Why does tundra have permafrost?

The tundra has permafrost because the soil in the tundra is very poor. This is why there are not many trees or plants that grow very tall in the tundra. Permafrost is the top layer of soil that is frozen. Obviously there's permafrost because in the tundra it is very cold and the soil is not very rich.

What is the difference between podzol and chernozem?

Podzol is a term given to soils that are infertile and have a light-brown color due to poor humus. Chernozem is a term given to soils that are rich in humus and thus are fertile. In addition, they have a black color because of the rich humus.

Why is soil porosity influence to plant growth and development?

A sandy soil is quick draining, but may be poor in nutrients. A clay soil is poor draining, and may be waterlogged for long periods. Though clay soils may be richer than sandy soils in nutrients, having waterlogged roots may rot off a plant's roots. A well draining, nutrient rich, loamy soil will hold water, yet drain enough to avoid root rot, so allowing the plants to thrive.

What is the status of micronutrients in Pakistani soil?

Micronutrients are actually abundant in our soils except those which are alkaline and calcareous.The total use of micronutrients in our country is 2-3%.From this you can assess hoe rich our soils are in these nutrients.Alkaline soils restrict the solubility and thus the availability of nutrients to the plants as the nutrients are converted to organic forms again;for instance zinc changes to Zn(OH)2 or ZnO2.

Why are mushrooms growing on top of your grandmother's grave?

Because graveyard soil tends to be rich in organic matter, there is a chance that mushrooms may grow around the graves.Specifically, the soil-dwelling critters of the soil food web die and decay. Their body parts break down and in so doing enrich the soil with nutrients such as nitrogen. The nutrients tend to stay in place in graveyard soils. So the nutrients are there to be accessed by plants - such as mushrooms - that favor nutrient-rich soils.

Are all the soils the same?

No, they are much different. Some are rich in nutrients, others aren't at all; Some are black, some are brown; etc.

Anaerobic soils are rich in oxygen?


What are fertile soils rich in?
