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Yes. Say each enzyme molecule can do one reaction at a time. You will have more product with 100 enzymes than with 10 in the same amount of time. The rate (speed) of the reaction is the change in concentration of the product divided by the change in time.

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Q: Is the speed of the reaction influenced by the amount of enzyme in the environment?
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What effect does time have on enzyme reaction?

Enzymes reduce the amount of time required for a reaction. It does this by creating a suitable environment and physically aligning the substrates.

When an enzyme catalyze a reaction?

Enzyme will catalyse when the substrate come close enough to interact with enzyme's active site (proximity and orientation). The rate of enzymatic reactions is influenced by the condition such as temperature or pH that favors the chemical environment, and when a co-factor is already bound (not for all enzymes).

What has no effect on the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction?

When an enzyme is saturated the amount of substrate added no longer as an effect on the rate of the reaction.

Why does an enzyme function like a catalyst in a reaction?

It decreases the amount of energy needed for the reaction.

Does vmax increase with increasing amount of enzyme?

Yes, Vmax has a linear relationship with the amount of enzyme. This in turn deceases the Km of the reaction.

What will most likely happen if the amount of enzyme that catalyzes this reaction is increased?

The reaction will speed up.

Is more energy required for a chemical reaction in the absence of an enzyme?

Without an enzyme, the activation energy needed to start a reaction is much greater. An enzyme is a catalyst, which decreases the amount of activation energy needed to start a reaction. By doing so, it decreases the amount of time the chemical reaction takes place.

Enzyme reduce the amount of blank needed to start a reaction?

activation energy

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A reaction catalyzed by enzyme a reaction cataly by enzyme b uncatalyzed reaction

What is a biological cayalyst?

A biological catalyst is an enzyme. An enzyme lowers the amount of activiation energy in order for a reaction to occur, they are also reusable.

How does pH affect enzyme functions?

Enzymes lower the amount of Activation Energy needed for a chemical reaction, therefore speeding up the chemical reaction. For an enzyme to do this it needs to be at the correct pH, salinity, and temperature otherwise the enzyme will not be able to work. When an enzyme is in a pH that is not suitable, the enzyme's shape and structure alter and make it unable to speed up a reaction.

If more enzyme is used what happens to the amount of product per unit time?

reaction will increase