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Q: Is the spinal reflex needed in all aspects of spinal reflexes?
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Identify the components of the spinal reflex arc?

your spinal reflex is controlled ny the nerve going from the spine to the brain in 1941 Anthony madrado die from slow spinal; reflexes

How does the cerebral cortex overrides the reflex?

The cerebral cortex can not over ride reflexes. Reflex are mediated at the level of the spinal cord.

What is the superficial cord reflex?

Superficial cord reflexes are the reflexes that happen when the body is exposed to pain. Superficial cord reflexes are centered in the spinal cord not the brain.

What structure controls simple reflexes?

Reflex responses are controlled in your spinal chord, not in your brain (;- your welcome

Do reflexes occur in the spinal cord?

the spinal cords role in reflexes is to help you move about when it is needed when reacting to a stimuli

What is a protective reflex that also overrides the spinal pathways and prevents any other reflexes from using them at the same time?

Flexor Reflex

Why don't we have to think before a reflex?

Because reflexes only occur at the level of the spinal cord, not the brain.

What part of the central nervous system controls reflexes?

The spinal cord controls reflexes. When a sensory stimulus is detected, the signal is sent to the spinal cord, which then produces a reflex action without needing input from the brain. This allows for quick responses to potential threats or dangers.

Do reflexes always involve the spinal cord?

Yes, the spinal cord controls ALL of your reflexes!

What role does the brain play in a reflex response?

withdrawal reflex involves the processing of brain. it integrates with cerebellar activity

The knee jerk reflex is an example of a?

A reflex is a rapid, involuntary response to a stimulus. A reflex arc is the pathway traveled by the nerve impulses during a reflex.Most reflexes are spinal reflexes with pathways that traverse only the spinal cord. During a spinal reflex, information may be transmitted to the brain, but it is the spinal cord, and not the brain, that is responsible for the integration of sensory information and a response transmitted to motor neurons.Information is sent to the brain but that takes awhile longer. It is best if you remove your hand from the fire as fast as possible and not wait until the brain yells "hot, hot!".

Which part of the nervous system is used to coordinate a reflex response?

A spinal reflex is a reflex that is centered in the spinal cord. The parts of the nervous system in one of these include the spinal cord as well as deep tendon nerves and sensory nerves.