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Q: Is the state government responsible for immigration?
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What level of government is responsible for managing australia's immigration levels?

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship is responsible for managing Australia's immigration levels.

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Which central government authority is responsible for immigrant in Dominica

How do you sue the federal government for not upholding immigration laws?

The director of the government agency responsible for immigration could be sued for not doing his job.

Who as Minister for Immigration in the Chifley Government was largely responsible for Australia's post-war immigration program?

Arthur Calwell

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What branch of local government is in charge of illegal immigration?

(in the US) There are no branches of local government which deal with, or are responsible for, this activity. Immigration and its regulation is totally under the control and authority of the federal government.

What exactly is a uscis government?

USCIS is the acronym for the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. This is the department responsible for overseeing legal immigration into the United States.

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state government

Why is the federal government responsible for defence and immigration?

It is the responsibility of the federal government because these matters are too large for any other level of government to handle. :)

Who is responsible for state roads and taxes?

state government

Which level of government is responsible for local police?

The state government.

Who of the following is responsible for formulating educational policy?

a state government